Russian health project is honoured

22. Januar 2020

The project “Remote Monitoring of Patients after complex heart surgery – rescue lives” of the Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, Russia was nominated for the KlinikAward 2019 in Berlin in October 2019. We congratulate the Heart Clinic in Astrakhan on this success and look forward to continuing to support it as a continuing education partner in the field of innova-tive patient care. 

The aim of remote monitoring is to use online surveys to monitor and analyse the health status of operated heart patients who live in remote areas, and – if necessary – propose suitable measures. This can be life-saving in Russia, which is a vast country, and represents a signifi-cant qualitative improvement in the post-operative care of heart patients. 

The FHNW School of Business has been offering various continuing education programmes to Russian health centres for the last 10 years (CAS Management in Medical Units, CAS Leader-ship in Health Care, DAS Health Care Management for Russian Health Care Practitioners). These are based on the “Value Based Health Care” model of Harvard Business School and on examples from renowned clinics such as the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and Martini Clinic.

Front row, from left: Patrik Renz, member of Management Board FHNW School of Business; Alexey Grigoriev, First Ambassador to the Russian Consulate in Switzerland; Olga Schibli, Pro-gramme Head FHNW School of Business; Dimitri Tarasov, Director of the hospital in Astrakhan. 
Back row: Doctors of the Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery who have successfully com-pleted the CAS in Leadership in Health Care.