
Image Manipulation Framework


In this thesis, a framework which allows filters to be applied to images, was developed. It provides multiple manipulation techniques that users can apply on images directly. The framework serves the purpose of making applications more interactive and this thesis analyses and identifies the best approach for elderly people to interact with technology. In addition to the framework, a 2D game implementing the framework was developed, where users are presented with a goal that they must reach with their manipulation.

Key Words

Unity3D, C#, Shaders, ShaderGraph, Image Manipulation, Filters


The goal of this thesis was to find out how the physical interaction regarding the manipulation of images can be composed and designed, so that elderly people react positively (e.g. smiling, laughing, talking, clapping, etc.) to the manipulation.

Initial State

The Image Manipulation Framework was developed for the Myosotis project. Myosotis is a project launched by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW that designs games and wants to improve the interpersonal communication between the elderly and their relatives, as well as provide fun and memorable moments. The games include personal images and sounds from the environment of the elderly and their relatives, as an inspiration for new conversation topics.

Images have been integrated in other Myosotis projects before and there are Myosotis games that focus on the interactivity between images and elderly people. However, the Image Manipulation Framework directs its focus on the possibilities of techniques with filters and the manipulation of images for a new entertainment factor.


The Image Manipulation Framework comes in two different components. The first component is the image manipulation itself that can be applied to any photo within a project. This allows developers to integrate the image manipulation techniques into their own game and develop their own variant.

The second component is an example game which uses the implemented image manipulation techniques and presents them in a playful way. This component should act as a guide or an inspiration for future game developers for their own implementations. To offer a challenging factor, the players of the game have a set goal in form of a target image, which they need to imitate on the manipulation image next to it. The displayed image can be changed through the implemented image gallery.


Project duration: 17.09.2018 - 22.03.2019
Effort in hours: 720h (360h per person)
Number of team members: 2
Bachelor Thesis


Project Myosotis i4Ds
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch

Project Team

Pascal Köchli (pascal.koechli@students.fhnw.ch)
Viviane Annen (viviane.annen@students.fhnw.ch)


Marco Soldati

Prof. Dr. André Csillaghy

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