
Lernstick Goes Secure


The Lernstick goes secure project is designed to help the organizational institutes as well as the private users to keep their data secure on their USB sticks, so no one can access the data without having the credentials that were used to lock the data partition. We designed the GUI so that the user would easily understand the required information to enter and based on the UX so that the user can expect what would happen next, and to so that the user reach the intended goal in as less steps/clicks as possible.

Key Words

Java, Java Swing and JavafX for the GUI´s, NetBeans, Matisse, Shell-Scripts, Piping, Expect-Method


To Create a secure and safe environment within the Lernstick for organizational institutes as well as private users

Initial State

The Lernstick has in total three partitions, the swap-partition, a persistence/data-partition and the system-partition. The data-partition had no security features, which means that all data are stores in plain-text and can therefore be seen by everyone (that has access to the physical storage device which contains the Lernstick environment).


Our Version of the Lernstick consists of three interfaces, namely the StorageMediaManagement, which is a responsible to set up the USB-stick and to define one of three possible locking methods, which are "No passphrase", which still contains a globally-known passphrase, a "Personal passphrase", which has one passphrase defined by the private user and a initial master-passphrase which represents the passphrase of the organisation as well as an initial passphrase that the student should change. The second Interface is the Live-Booting mechanism in which the user should enter the passphrase to unlock the data/persistence partition or to log in automatically, if the "No Passphrase"-option has been chosen by the master-user. The third interface is the Welcome Application in which the student should be able to delete the master passphrase, choose no passphrase or change his initial/private passphrase.

Project Data

Projektdauer: 1 Semester
Aufwand in Personenstunden: 370h in total
Teamgrösse: 2 Students


Prof. Dr. Ronny Standtke
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Pädagogische Hochschule
Institut Weiterbildung und Beratung
Campus Brugg-Windisch
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch

T +41 56 202 72 20
E-Mail: imedias.iwb.ph@fhnw.ch

Project Team

Waleed al-Hubaishi
Julien Christen

Contact/Team Coach

Martin Gwerder Professur für Systemtechnik (Cloud und Sicherheit) martin.gwerder@fhnw.ch

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